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Procrastination? There’s Apps for That!

I’m firmly in the camp that shifting underlying beliefs is the key to ridding yourself of procrastination.

But it’s also true that there are productivity tools can help you stay on track and accountable.

Here are some to check out and see if they work for you:

Got any others that help you stay on track? I’d love to hear about them!

And if you’d like to know why you procrastinate, take my free quiz, Why Do You Procrastinate? It will tell you which of 16 core beliefs that lead to procrastination is the primary one for you. Once you know what it is, you can decide to change it! Many modalities and techniques are available to help; I just happen to think EFT Tapping is one of the best out there!

Combine the knowledge you get from the quiz with helpful tools like the above and you’ll be cooking!

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